Scrape for the Grape 2025

Want to make a difference?

Our wineries, orchards and farms could use your help! After being drawn to Loudoun because of the invasive Tree of Heaven, the also invasive Spotted Lanternfly then moves on to grapevines and fruit trees, putting our farms and wineries in jeopardy. Please consider joining 1000 of your fellow Loudouners to Scrape for the Grape on Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10AM-1PM, Saturday April 5, 2025, 10AM-1PM, and/or Saturday April 12, 2025, 10AM-1PM and help our wineries and orchards fend off this invasive pest. You’ll be provided training and tools to scrape Spotted Lanternfly masses off trees before they hatch, as well as tagging Tree of Heaven for future removal. Souvenir Scrapers, Tee Shirts (while tee shirts last, first registered, first served!) and Bandanas will be provided. And as a thank you, the Wineries intend to provide a weekend of gratitude – they will be offering special promotions at their vineyards/breweries for all volunteers the weekend of March 29/30 and April 12/13. And for the kids, a special event cookie from Mom’s Apple Pie!

Current volunteer locations are listed below and will be removed once capacity is reached at a given location (typically 50 volunteers, with Ida Lee Park hosting up to 150). Please pick one you prefer! Bring yourself, bring your family, tell your friends. And if you’d like to go above and beyond, you can become a team lead for a group of volunteers. We could sure use your help. Lastly, you don’t have to belong to one of the 63 HOAs of LIRA to volunteer, but please let us know your HOA if you do belong to one (maybe they’ll join LIRA), and if you don’t belong to an HOA, please let us know that as well. All are welcome! Updates will be emailed to you as we get closer to the event. Please sign up below to volunteer!

Registration and FAQs Below

Learn more about the day of the event here:


Scrape for the Grape is a partnership between VisitLoudoun, VCE Loudoun, the Wineries of Loudoun and LIRA.

Who Organized Scrape for the Grape?

You will receive an email from the coordinators as well as your team lead regarding your specific location ahead of the event.  But generally:


  • Beacon Hill HOA

  • Bleu Frog Vineyard

  • East Stratford HOA

  • Exeter HOA

  • Ida Lee Park

  • Raspberry Falls HOA

  • The Reserve at Rokeby Farms HOA

  • Twin Notch Farm


  • 8 Chains Winery

  • Bluemont Vineyard

  • Iron Will Winery

  • Williams Gap

  • Zephaniah Winery


  • 868 Estate Vineyards

  • Bozzo Family Vineyard

  • Catoctin Creek HOA

  • Domaine Fortier Vineyards

  • Hillsborough Vineyard


  • Willowsford Conservancy

Where will my team meet?

Where do I look for Spotted Lantern Fly egg masses?

  • Mainly on the Tree of Heaven, but also on red maples and grapevines.

  • Look for black coloring on the trunks of trees.

  • Egg masses are found on underside of tree branches.

  • Egg masses run parallel to branches, not perpendicular.

  • Once you find egg masses, look in the surrounding environment. There are likely more!

The Scrape for the Grape event, including collateral, merchandise and logistics, is made possible by our generous sponsors.

Who Sponsors the Event?

  • Scrape cards

  • Bandanas

  • Commemorative t-shirt

  • Flagging tape for Tree of Heaven

  • Photos of Tree of Heaven and Spotted Lantern Fly Masses

  • Organizers’ phone number

What will I be provided?

  • Tick repellent

  • Long pants

  • Pruners or clippers (to open paths on low-risk areas for better access to egg masses).

  • Optional - download the app PictureThis which can be used to identify Tree of Heaven, and to ensure you don’t accidentally tag a black walnut or sumac that can look similar. There is a fee for the app, but apparently there’s a free option that your team lead will share with you. It’s a GREAT app. Once you start using it, it becomes addictive!

What do I wear/bring (optional)?

  • Just bring your bandana to one of the below venues to receive your offer for your hard work!

  • Free cookie from Mom’s Apple Pie for all kids who participate.


Days of Gratitude - 3/29, 3/30, 4/12 and 4/13